Torque Rotary Unit ST0055A / ST0075A / ST0140A
Product type: ST0140A
1. Fit the rotary plate.
2. Center the parallel pins and then drive in the
first parallel pin [1] by one third of the way.
3. Screw in the screws [2] and tighten them.
4. Fully drive in the second parallel pin [1].
5. Fully drive in the first parallel pin [1].
6. Tighten the screws [2] cross-wise with a
tightening torque suitable for the application.
7. Set the zero point.
Mounting safety equipment
The product is a partly complete machine pursuant to Directive 2006/42/EU and intended to be
incorporated into or assembled with other machinery. The requirements concerning functional safety
and the corresponding safety equipment result from the risk analysis and the risk assessment for the
final machine or plant.
Selection, mounting, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the safety equipment
must be performed by the system integrator (the person who incorporates the product in a machine
pursuant to Directive 2006/42/EU, i.e., for example, the machine builder) and/or the operator.
The product requires at least the following safety equipment:
Emergency Stop system as per IEC 60204-1 / ISO 13850
Lockable main switch to interrupt the complete power supply to all electrical components of the
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Mounting instructions_022019_3.0_en