Date: 03/10
Software Setup
The connected DAC202 device can be controlled through
the “Weiss Firewire I/O” Control Panel.
The control panel can be accessed by clicking on the
“Weiss Firewire IO” icon on the desktop.
Available tabs:
Global Settings / Bus:
Is the device which is sync master on the virtual
bus in case multiple devices (“DAC202s”) are connected.
Sampling Rate:
The sampling rate of the device when
internally clocked. When clocked/synching to one of the
other interfaces (XLR, RCA, TOS) the sampling rate
indicated reflects the one fed from the external device.
Sync Source:
The clock to which the DAC202 should sync
to. Usually this is the DAC202’s internal clock generator.
Buffer Size:
Larger buffer sizes increase robustness
against dropouts, lower buffer sizes provide low latency.
Operation Mode:
determines the stability of the system.
Try other modes if there are clicks in the music.
Global Settings / WDM:
Enables the WDM driver.
Global Settings / DPC:
Determines your computers performance and
recommends a operation mode.
Global Settings / System:
Some utilities to determine the chipset in your computer
and to get information on the supported chipset.
Required for debugging if problems with the Firewire
connection are encountered.
Global Settings / Info:
Information about the driver version.
Device Settings / General:
The device settings should be pretty self explanatory.
Device Settings / Firmware Loader:
Allows to upload new firmware to the DAC202. Not used
for normal operation.