Remove the safety stands and lower the car onto the anchoring stands.
Raise the rear end of the vehicle and repeat same process as at the front:
place the rear clamps on the car positioned on the pinchweld within 1” of the
clamp on the other side of the car.
insert the 80” anchoring crossbar through the clamps
lower the car onto the support stands
Install the 72” anchoring side bars between the front and rear clamps on either side.
These bars should drop in easily between the clamp body and the anchoring side
bar retainer button on the clamp flange. If the bars do not drop in easily the car may
have offset pinchwelds or may have sill damage. If the anchoring side bar can be
forced into place behind the retainer button by pushing on the bar then do so and
wedge the bar into place. If this in not possible than see “Anchoring Cars With
Offset Pinchwelds” on Page 16, or “Anchoring Cars with Sill Damage” on Page 21.
Hammer wedges firmly into place between the top side of the anchoring side bars
and the clamps. Remember that the flat side of the wedge always goes against the