V1.0 subject to changes | Webdyn © by Flexitron Group
Step 2. Configuring the WAN section
The next step is the WAN configuration, adjusting it to the parameters of the SIM card to be used. To
do this, go to the “WAN> Basic Settings” section of the side menu. As the following image shows, there
are several main sections to fill out. Configure the equipment as shown in the image by adjusting the
parameters “APN”, “Username” and “Password” depending on the SIM card used (these parameters
must be provided by your telephone operator). If the SIM card has a PIN, you must also enter it in the “Sim
Pin” section. In the “Network Selection” section you can choose between “auto”, “GPRS”, “3G” and “4G”.
The “auto” option will make the modem choose the network based on the availability of the area. In this
example “GPRS” is selected because you want the modem to be able to handle CSD calls.
Once the section has been configured, the “SAVE CONFIG” button must be pressed.
Step 3. Serial port configuration
In this section the parameters related to the serial port will be configured and that must correspond to
those of the meter to which it will be connected. To do this, access the section “Serial Settings > Serial
The meter to be read has a configuration of 9600,8, N, 1 without flow control (that is, only TX, RX and
GND lines) for a serial port of the RS485 type.
It must also be possible to access the serial gateway by means of a GSM data call (CSD), so the