V1.0 subject to changes | Webdyn © by Flexitron Group
• Outgoing Connections
: allows you to specify if from the MTX-StarEnergy-M it is possible to give
Internet access to all IP addresses or only to authorized IP addresses
Once the configuration is finished, press the “SAVE CONFIG” button to save the changes.
Remember that you must restart the device for the new changes to take effect
If you use “Outgoing connections” restrictions, remember that you need to specify the IP
address of the DNS server to use.
If you need more than 3 authorized IP addresses, you can specify more than one IP address in
any box, separating these by “,”
Serial Settings: Serial portX
From this section it is possible to configure a CSD/2G/3G/4G-RS232/RS485 transparent gateway to
remotely access serial devices, such as electricity meters.
• Baudrate
: specifies the speed of the serial port (115200,…, 300)
• Data bits
: specifies the number of data bits (7, 8)
• Parity
: specifies parity (none, even [even], odd [odd])
• Stop bits
: number of stop bits (1, 2)
• Flow Control
: specifies flow control (none, hardware)
• Timeout ms
: indicates the milliseconds to wait without receiving data through the serial port
before sending the data through IP. If you specify a “0” (default value), the data is sent via IP
as it arrives through the serial port. A number, for example 10, specifies that no data is sent
if there is not a minimum period of 10ms without receiving data through the serial port. This
allows data to reach the destination without the fragmentation problems common in some
protocols and data management platforms
• Allow incoming GSM call (CSD Data Call)
: selecting this box indicates that a CSD type call
is accepted. Only valid to work when the MTX-StarEnergy-M is configured to work in GPRS
(2G) mode. In this mode, when a CSD data call is received, it is accepted as long as a 2G-
RS232/485 gateway is not currently established. If so, the CSD call is rejected. In other words,
once a 2G-RS232 gateway is established, it takes precedence over the CSD call
• Function
: Nothing or Used by External Device: select this operation option if you do not want to
use a certain serial port (such as IP/serial gateway)
• Function
: Serial – IP Gateway (TCP Server): select this operation option if you want to establish
a transparent CSD/2G/3G/4G-RS232/485 gateway, that is, a scenario where the MTX-
StarEnergy-M device is at the it listens on a specific TCP port waiting to receive a connection to
establish the gateway. It is the usual function for metering applications
• TCP Local Port
: TCP listening port for the Serial gateway - 2G/3G/4G
• RTS Line
: allows you to select whether the RTS line will be active as long as a socket is
connected. By default Always on. RTS line is not usually used in metering applications