V1.0 subject to changes | Webdyn © by Flexitron Group
WAN: Basic Settings
This section is used to configure the parameters of the WAN connection (2G/3G/4G). You will need to
know some information about your SIM card, such as the APN, the username and the password. Your
provider must provide them to you.
• Enabled WAN
: check the box to allow MTX-StarEnergy-M to enable 2G/3G/4G connection
• Session time
: indicates the minutes that the 2G/3G/4G connection should remain active. If you
specify “0” it means that the connection will always be active. If you specify a number greater
than 0, the connection will remain active for the specified minutes after an event such as the
receipt of an SMS message or a missed call. Go to the “Other> SMS Control” configuration
menu to activate and configure these events if you are going to specify a number> 0. This
parameter normally has a value of “0” for metering applications
: APN of the operator. You should check with your GSM provider
• Username
: username of the operator. You should check with your GSM provider
• Password
: operator’s password. You should check with your GSM provider
• Call center
: call center number. Usually * 99 *** 1 #
• Sim Pin
: if your SIM card has a PIN, you must specify it here
• Authentication
: you must indicate the authentication method. Normally PAP
• Network selection
auto: the MTX-StarEnergy-M will use 4G if there is coverage, or 3G and 2G otherwise
4G: the MTX-StarEnergy-M will use the 4g network in all cases. If there is no 4G coverage,
it will not change to 2G or 3G
3G: the MTX-StarEnergy-M will use the 3G network in all cases. If there is no 3G coverage,
it will not change to 2G
GPRS: the MTX-StarEnergy-M will use the 2G network in all cases. In this mode, incoming
data calls (CSD) are also allowed
• DNS1 y DNS2
: DNS servers for domain name resolution. It is recommended to use Google and or those indicated by your provider
• Remote management
: if you check the box, you will be able to access the web configuration
of the MTX-StarEnergy-M remotely, through its public IP address (the one indicated in WAN>