HD MotionCam
Installation Manual
EN.PM.UM24 20160211
Page 26 of 29
Difficulties Acquiring an IP Address
First, make sure the camera is connected to the same subnet as the computer that is being
used to acquire the address. If this is confirmed, but the camera is still not acquiring an
address, the network may not automatically assign DHCP IP Addresses. It may be useful
to connect a network cable directly to the computer being used through a switch to
guarantee the computer can talk to the camera. A Static IP address can be assigned by
going to download.aws.com and downloading the HD MotionCam finder tool and
following the steps in this manual outlined in the section titled, “Setting a Static IP
Address for Your HD MotionCam.”
Power Issues
In cases of malfunction, the most common cause is lack of power to the HD MotionCam.
Be sure to check power supplies and connections to ensure that the HD MotionCam has
the proper power supply and that the components are turned on. When the camera is
powered on, the booting process and movement of camera is audible when standing
directly next to the unit.
Captured Images Not Visible
If the station power has been verified and images are available locally but captured
images are not retrievable through http://weather.weatherbug.com, verify Port 21 TCP for
outbound traffic is open for FTP.
Image is Poor Quality
It is important to make sure not to adjust the factory image settings of the camera in the
Setup portion of the SNC Toolbox. The settings on the camera were deemed optimal
during manufacturing. If adjustment(s) to the image settings are made and decided
unfavorable, please remember the camera will not be handled as defective.
Live Video Not Available
IMPORTANT: Once power is connected to the camera, make sure 2 full minutes have
passed before attempting to access live video from the camera.
If trying to view live video on a computer on the same subnet as the camera, verify the IP
address is correct. The finder tool may need to be reopened to do this if DHCP was used.
If the camera was installed using a static IP address, please verify the correct IP address
is being used by contacting the local network administrator.