· Ensure a barrel blocking device is fitted to
the ANGEL.
· Ensure the hopper is removed from the
· Ensure that there are no paintballs in the
The first 3 shots will be fired in semi automatic.
On the 4th shot if the trigger is pulled and held
the Angel will fire fully automatic up to a pre set
maximum MROF set at 15.4 balls per second.
The Angel will stop firing as soon as the trigger is
If the user stops firing for more than 1 second the
initial 3 shots in semi automatic must be re initiated.
The Angel eyes will default to on whenever the Angel
is made live via the navigation switch.
With the eyes activated the Angel will only fire when
a paintball is present and has been detected by the
Angel eyes.
The first 3 shots will be fired in semi automatic.
On the 4th shot the Angel will ramp to a pre set
MROF set at 15.4 balls per second, provided that the
user maintains trigger pulls at a rate at or above 5
balls per second.
If the user stops firing for more than 1 second the
initial 3 shots in semi automatic must be re initiated.
Full Auto
The Angel eyes will default to on whenever the Angel
is made live via the navigation switch.
With the eyes activated the Angel will only fire when
a paintball is present and has been detected by the
Angel eyes.
The Angel will fire at a capped maximum rate
of 15 balls per second with the Angel eyes activated.
With the angel eyes deactivated the Angel will fire
at a capped maximum rate of 15 balls per second.
It is possible to lower the MROF with both eyes on
and eyes off in this mode but you will not be
permitted to raise them above the 15 bps cap.
This is a dry firing mode for firing the Angel when
on display and is designed to demonstrate the
rate of fire achievable. It should only be used for
demonstration purposes, as the Angel eyes feature
is reverse functioned so that it can not fire should a
paintball be detected.
Custom Semi
The Angel eyes will default to on whenever the Angel
is made live via the navigation switch.
With the eyes activated the Angel will only fire when
a paintball is present and has been detected by the
Angel eyes.
With the eyes activated the MROF that the Angel will
fire at is limited by the MROF eyes on level.
With the eyes turned off the MROF that the Angel will
fire at is limited by the MROF eyes off level.
The Angel will fire 1 shot for each pull of the trigger.
Break-out and Ramp settings can be used individually
or in combination in this Mode.
There are 2 break-out modes that can only be used
when the Angel is in custom semi mode.
Soft break out
Once the soft break out feature has been selected
from the custom modes screen and the Angel is
on and live it will fire as if it were in normal semi
auto mode until the break-out mode is activated. To
activate the break-out feature press the navigation
switch inwards, the alarm will momentarily sound to
indicate that the break-out mode has been initiated.
In order for the Angel to start firing in the break-out
mode once it has been initiated a rate of trigger
pulls higher than 4 per second must be reached and
maintained within the time period that the break-out
mode is active. The duration of the time period that
the break-out mode is active can be adjusted. The
range for this adjustment is 1 – 20 seconds. If the
rate of trigger pulls at any point once the break-out
mode has been initiated fall below 4 per second or
should the trigger be pulled and held in for 2 seconds
or the time period of the break-out elapses the break-
out mode will revert to the previously selected mode.
Hard break-out
Once the hard break out feature has been selected
from the custom modes screen and the Angel is on
and live it will fire as if it were in normal semi auto
mode until the break-out mode is activated.