9 .
A-C line -rel ated S puri ous Components
Connect a short across the i nput connector of the Channel Under Test and the
3580A S pe ctrum Analyzer to the output connector . Set the Ground/Float switch
on the rear ponel to the F l oat position and turn off a l l other equi pment in the
vicinity of the test area . D isconnect a l l other equ i pment from the instrument
unde r test.
Set the C hanne l Under Test as fol lows:
1 0. 00
1 0 K Cutoff Frequency
Lo Pass
d B Gain
F lat Ampl .
Set the 3580A S pe ctrum Analyzer controls as fol l ows:
I nput Sensitivity
-30 dBV
Input Sensitivity Vernier :
3 Hz
Freq . S pa n
20 Hz/div
Sweep Time:
5 se c/div
L O G , 1 0 dB
Ampl i tude Ref Level
N orma l
Obtai n a complete sweep an the analyzer screen and measure the ampl itude of the
D isplay at l i ne frequency and multi ples (x2 , x3) of the l i ne frequency. L i ne -re l ated
spurious components at the output of the CUT with respect to ful l -scale signal
( + 1 7 dBV ) are cal culated as fol lows:
S purious
( 4 7 d B + Display dB )
Summary of Contents for 452
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