lightweight handheld package. Wavetek offers current Stealth
customers upgrade paths for units already purchased.
The benefits of these new features are as follows:
Quickly find entry points for ingress and noise
Fast peak detection circuits see ingress from even transient
noise sources
“Dwell” on each frequency longer to find more of the noise more
Programmable dwell time in spectrum mode
Zero-span offers infinite dwell
Faster spectrum scanning makes searching for ingress
interactive, eliminating the wait for the trace to ‘acquire’
Observe noise signals clearly with built-in pre-amp. Instead of
making a technician guess about a signal that is just above the
noise floor, StealthTrak’s built-in pre-amp allows technicians to
clearly ‘see’ and diagnose noise
Easily see the difference between ‘meter-induced’ inter-
modulation and system inter-modulation and common path
distortion (CPD). A built-in low-pass filter strips away higher
power forward path signals to examine just the reverse path
Save money, connections and time. Carry just one box with all
the tools needed to find ingress
Pinpoint the source of return path problems by performing
analysis of digital return path signals at any point in the field.
D/U (desired/undesired) measures signal quality
for examining TDMA signals
See data packet ‘collisions’
View relative transmission levels for all the transmitters present
in a cascade
See how heavy network traffic is in a given amplifier cascade
Level measurements allow alignment for both TDMA and
continuous digital channels