Scan Measurement Mode displays the absolute carrier levels across
the part or all of the CATV spectrum. SAM 4040D displays a bar
graph showing video and audio levels of carriers within the span of
selected frequencies. The narrow vertical marker designates the
carrier being measured levels. Frequency, video, and audio levels,
as well as the Delta between levels is displayed on the bottom-half of
the screen
Scan Rates
Two scan rates can be selected in Scan Mode, Normal and Fast.
Select Scan Rate in the
Config, Measurement
sub-menu. The Fast
scan feature allows for rapid scan displays, at reduced accuracy (as
much as 2 dB on scrambled channels.) Normal scan rate is slower,
but much more accurate. An speeding bullet icon, when
selected, appears in the upper left hand corner of the Scan display.
Audio Carriers
You can omit audio carriers for a faster scan. Select this in the
Config, Measurement
sub-menu. An “X’d out” audio icon indicator
appears in the upper left hand corner of the Scan screen when audio
carriers are omitted.
Use the up/down arrow keys to change the reference level in
Use the left/right arrow keys to move the marker.
At the top left of he screen are REF (value) dBmV and Scale as
(value) dB/div.
At the lower left and lower right corners you see
frequencies currently in effect for the Scan.