© 2018
Driver will not switch on
Improperly configured power supply
Carefully check the wiring diagram on
. Make sure the power supply
polarity is not reversed.
Power supply voltage too low
The LDTC includes brown-out protection circuitry that disables the laser driver
if the power supply voltage falls below 2.7 V. Make sure the power supply
voltage is correct.
Output will not enable
Improperly configured enable switch
on the LDTC
If the LDTC is configured to use the LD SHD remote enable input, the onboard
Enable/Disable switch must be set to EN (enable). Make sure this switch is
properly set.
Remote Enable signal is not correct
To enable the laser output, the LD SHD pin must be grounded. Float the pin, or
input a 3 to 5 V signal, to disable the output.
Laser output power too low in
Constant Current mode
Laser current setpoint too low
Increase the setpoint either by adjusting the I SET trimpot clockwise, or by
increasing the signal voltage on the EXT LD SET input (pin J2‑5).
Laser current limit too low
for instructions on setting the laser driver current limit.
Laser driver is compliance limited
Check the laser diode specifications to determine the forward voltage (V
Make sure that the LDTCxx20 is not compliance limited. Refer to the Electrical
Specifications table on
If the driver is compliance limited, V
may need to be increased.
Verify that the LDTCxx20 will be operating
within the Safe Operating Area if V
is increased.
Laser does not reach desired
output in Constant Power mode
Laser current limit too low
Check the laser diode datasheet to determine the approximate laser drive
current at the desired optical power output level. Then verify that the current
limit is set slightly higher than that. Refer to
setting the laser driver current limit.
Photodiode feedback current is out
of range for the LDTC
Refer to the laser diode datasheet to determine the approximate photodiode
(PD) current at the desired output power level. If the PD current exceeds
the LDTC PD current range, the LDTC will require modification. Contact the
Wavelength Electronics Sales department for assistance.