The Comfort algorithm is useful for whom prefer to be as close as possible to the target
temperature constantly. This algorithm implies that the heating system can switch on
and off more often, so we just recommend this algorithm if you know perfectly your
heating system.
Slave Thermic mode for non-thermostat or wireless thermostat
Install the Wattio system for your
heating in case you had no thermostat
or in case it was wireless using the
slave mode.
To do so, you need two Thermics. One,
the master, must be placed in the
room where you want to control the
temperature and the other one, the
salve must be installed connected to
the heater.
Finally, the master Thermic must be
registered on the mobile app first and
then the slave Thermic can be
registered. When doing so, define it as
slave of the master one.
Combination of the Thermic with more Wattio gadgets
Motion: the Thermic can receive the temperature from the
Motion. To do so, a rule must be created where the Motion send
temperature and the Thermic receives so. Do you want to come
back to the Thermic temperature? No worries, just deactivate the
rule and it is done. This mode is called Remote and next to the
Thermic it will show a rounded “R” symbol on the mobile app
device list.