Return status. See Note 2
Return the cumulative tachometer count
Display text on 1 to 4 lines with ~ as the
line delimiter. Terminated by the @
character. See Note 3
Return 0 for stopped or 1 for running.
NOTES: Historical basic protocol
Note 1:
The correlation between the tachometer pulses and the motor rotation is fixed and provides a measurable
and absolute way of monitoring the number of revolutions of the gearbox output shaft - 10,892 pulses per
revolution. This in turn allows the count to be equated to the amount of material dispensed - assuming that
the pumphead type and tube size are known.
Note 2:
The status is returned to the sender in the following format: [pump type] [ml/rev] [pumphead] [tube size]
[speed] [CW/CCW] P/N [pump number] [tacho count] [0/1(stopped / running)] !
For example: 520Du 15.84 520R 9.6MM 220.0 CW P/N 1 123456789 1 !
Note 3:
1 to 4 lines of text can be written with ~ as the line delimiter and @ as the message end.
i.e., 1W520Du@ and 1W520Du~@ are both valid commands
Note 4:
In all cases, 'n' can be any number from 1 to 16 inclusive, and by exception the # symbol can be used as
an all-drives command; but not with the RS, RT or ZY commands, as the results would be indeterminate.