WATEX Ltd., Latvia, Riga, Ganibu dambis 27 k-5,
, Tel. +371 67381989, www.watex.eu
Drainage connection
The filter requires to be connected to the sewer in order to ensure regular rinsing. During the rinsing time, the air bag of the filter
is removed along with the accumulated dirt (mud, iron, sand, clay, etc.).
Drainage connection points are located at the top of the control valve. We recommend using a garden hose for drainage of
rinsing water from the filter to the common sewage system.
Note: the bend of the sewer connection has the sealing ring; it is possible to turn it in the desirable direction. Turning angle is
Important: Ensure that the drainage pipe during rinsing is not dropping
out. Secure it!
Important: Make sure the garden hose is not folded, because it will reduce
rinsing water flow and the filter is likely to have incomplete rinsing, which
can lead to poor water supply.
Drainage pipe can be placed in the common sewer around 0.5 meters above
the control valve, but during the first rinses watch if the full rinsing of the
filter is really going on.
If there is no complete rinsing, consult with "WATEX" technical center.
Important: Gravity Drainage pipe shall be not less than D40.
Important: Never drive the drain hose directly into drains or the receiver.
Always allow air access between the drain hose and the tank to avoid
To prevent the sewer smell come into the filter and cause
bacteriological contamination of the filter before entering the sewage
system it is recommended to create hydro seal or siphon.