WATEX Ltd., Latvia, Riga, Ganibu dambis 27 k-5,
, Tel. +371 67381989, www.watex.eu
f. damaged piston holder
f. Replace piston holder
g. Defective main piston or
recovery piston
g. Replace main piston or recovery piston
7. Control valve does not make
recovery automatically when the
REGEN button is pressed and
a. transformer is unplugged from
a. reconnect transformer
b. No voltage in the socket
b. repair the socket or use working socket
c. Faulty actuator or drive cover
c. Replace actuator or drive cover part
d. Electronic plate damaged
d. Replace electronic plate
8. Control valve does not make
recovery automatically, but it does
so when REGEN button is pressed
a. Water flowing through the bypass a. Close the bypass.
b. the meter is disconnected
b. Connect the meter to the electronic board
c. Meter turbine jammed / stopped
c. Remove the meter and check if there is some
foreign material
d. meter damaged
d. Replace meter
e. Electronic plate damaged
e. Replace electronic plate
f. error in settings
f. check control valve settings
9. Time flashes: appears and
Electricity supply break has been
longer than 2 hours, the transformer
has been unplugged from the outlet
and then plugged in again, the
transformer plug has been taken out
and then re-connected to the plate
or the NEXT and REGEN buttons
have been pressed to re-reset
control valve.
a. Re-set the time