“WATEX” Ltd., Reg. Nr. 40003712811, Ganibu dambis 27 k-5, Riga, LV-1005; Contact information: tel. +371 67381989, e-mail:
[email protected], www.watex.eu
water is supplied. For this reason, it is recommended to perform the rinsing cycle at night when
water consumption is lowest.
Backflush cycle
In backwash mode, the flow direction in the filter tank changes. The water
in the filter tank flows from the bottom up and out into the sewer. This
mode is required to flush out the accumulated material from the filter. If the
appliance is not sufficiently flushed, the appliance will not reach the
specified capacity and the pressure drop in the filter will increase. This
mode lasts about 6-8 minutes. The flow rate is regulated by a flushing seal
(DLFC) inserted in the drain connection bend.
Brine cycle
In the brine cycle, a brine solution is sucked out of the reagent tank by
injection, which flows from top to bottom through the filter bed and
restores the capacity of the ion exchange resin. This mode lasts for about
60 minutes.
Second backwash cycle
In second backwash mode, the flow direction in the filter tank changes.
The water in the filter tank flows from the bottom up. This mode is
required to flush out the sediments separated and accumulated from the
filter media as well as the reagent residue. The mode lasts 1-4 minutes.