Before the unit is completely shut down and stored, have two empty containers -
each of which will hold up to two liters of liquid. Use a permanent marker to write
“Chlorine” on one container and “Sodium Hydroxide” on the other container.
Please write “POISON - DO NOT DRINK” on each bottle, as well.
WaterStep M-100 Chlorine Generator
• Loosen and remove the plug at the top
of the fill tube on the CHLORINE side.
• Insert the (red) drain tube at the bottom
of the CHLORINE side of the unit into
the top of the
empty container
labeled “Chlorine.”
• Release the pinch clamp and let all the
chlorine pour into the container.
• Squeeze/engage the clamp.
• Fill water bottle with plain water. Pour
into the fill tube. Refill and drain the
CHLORINE side of the unit a total of
three times. Collect rinse water in a
• Repeat the process for the SODIUM
HyDROxIDE side, pouring the rinse
water into the oval-opening on top of
the unit. Collect rinse water in the
same bucket.
• Keep all solutions out of eyes and
avoid breathing fumes. Keep all
solutions away from children. Store
solutions in a safe place.
• IMPORTANT: Recharge the 12-volt
battery with an electric battery
charger or solar panel.