Now that you’ve invested in the most energy effi cient heating and cooling system available, here are some addi-
tional tips to help you save money on your energy costs throughout your entire home.
Fluorescent Lights
Fluorescent lights use a fraction of the amount of energy as incandescent bulbs. Consider replacing your highest
usage incandescent bulbs with fl uorescent ones.
Consider ENERGY STAR® Appliances
In addition to your highly effi cient geothermal system, you may want to consider other household appliances that
meet the ENERGY STAR
standards. ENERGY STAR
options are available for refrigerators, clothes washers,
ceiling fans, dishwashers, home audio systems, TVs, computer equipment, etc. A listing of ENERGY STAR
ances can be found at www.energystar.gov.
Duct Sealing and Insulation
A recent study revealed that a large percentage of homes had at least one section of duct disconnected somewhere
in the system (without the homeowner knowing about it). Regardless of the heating & cooling system type installed,
having properly connected and sealed duct work is critical to proper performance. Despite its name, duct tape is
generally insuffi cient to seal leaks in a duct system. Over time, the adhesive used on duct tape will dry out resulting
in tape failure. Other tape types and sealants used by professional HVAC contractors are better suited for seal-
ing duct systems. It is also recommended that the duct work be insulated (either internally or externally) when it is
located in an unheated or uncooled area (attic, crawl space, etc.)
Insulation, Weather Stripping and Sealing
Ensure that your home has the suggested levels of insulation. The amount of insulation required depends on the
type of insulation and your climate. Adequate weather stripping and sealing around windows, doors, and electrical
outlets can have a dramatic effect on air moving from outside to inside (infi ltration) and on air moving from inside to
outside (exfi ltration).
Water Heater Blankets
Most water heaters can benefi t from adding a special insulating blanket around the tank. These are inexpensive and
available at most hardware stores, and are easy to install. Water heaters placed directly on concrete fl oors dissipate
heat into the concrete adding operating cost.
Replacement Windows
If you have old leaky windows, consider replacing them with high effi ciency models. Today’s premium windows are
very energy effi cient, and some contain coatings or gasses that reduce harmful ultraviolet rays and reduce your
cooling requirements. Consider ENERGY STAR® models.