System default setup is:
Function: Console
Baud rate:115200
Data bit:8
Stop bit:1
Parity: None
After completing all the setups please click save button, system goes back to the previous menu.
Figure 5-8
5.3.5 Network
Here is for you to input network information. See
Figure 5-9.
IP address: Here you can input IP address.
DHCP: It is to auto search IP. When enable DHCP function, you cannot modify IP/Subnet
mask /Gateway. These values are from DHCP function. If you have not enabled DHCP
function, IP/Subnet mask/Gateway display as zero. You need to disable DHCP function to
view current IP information. Besides, when PPPoE is operating, you cannot modify
IP/Subnet mask /Gateway.
TCP port: Default value is 4000.
UDP port: Default value is 4001.
HTTP port: Default value is 80.
Max connection: system support maximal 10 users. 0 means there is no connection limit.
Transfer mode: Here you can select the priority between fluency/video qualities.
LAN download: System can process the downloaded data first if you enable this function.
The download speed is 1.5X or 2.0X of the normal speed.
After completing all the setups please click save button, system goes back to the previous menu.