Getting Started Guide: Cobra OCT Spectrometers
Page 9
3. Expand the tree in the left hand side: My System ->
Devices and Interfaces -> NI-IMAQ Devices -> img0: NI-
PCI-1433 -> Channel 0:
As shown in the screenshot here, you may see the Basler
A504k camera auto selected. This is the default camera
.icd file selected during the National Instruments IMAX
installation process.
4. In step 1 above, the GL2048L-10A_icd0170rev6.icd file
was copied to the NI IMAX icd file directory. To select that
file for usage in IMAX, right click the Channel 0 entry, Go
to Camera -> Goodrich -> GL2048L…rev6 file as shown in
the image here.
Note that no serial configuration over camera link is
required, as SUI cameras come from the factory pre-
configured. They will automatically read from the sensor
and put data on the camera link cable on power up.
5. Click the Grab button.
6. Click the Histogram button.
7. Click the ‘Save Image’ button, and save the file with a
.TIF format.