HigH FrequenCY Control
bandwidth: this knob varies the width of the high frequency boost and cut controls
from a relatively sharp cue (affecting the least surrounding frequencies) to a
somewhat broader cue (affecting a larger area of bandwidth). A sharp cue is
considered useful for more surgical work, such as boosting or cutting a specific
overhead piece or octave of an instrument; while a broader cue is more natural
and musical, for gentler tone shaping of instruments or program material.
boost knob: This knob controls the amount of boost applied by the
high frequency boost selector, from zero (unity gain) to +18db.
boost High frequency Selector: This rotary switch selects
the high frequency to be boosted by the boost knob.
Cut knob: This knob controls the amount of attenuation applied by
the high frequency cut selector, from zero (unity gain) to -14db.
Cut High frequency Selector: This rotary switch selects the
high frequency to be attenuated by the cut knob.
The High Frequency Control Section
To the left: Sharp cue, Bandwidth knob set to 0.
To the right: Broad cue, Bandwidth knob set to 10
Now Let’s get started
techNicaL specs
a Bit of history
waxiNg phiLosophicaL
hookup diagrams
recaLL sheets