tHe ‘Boost and Cut’ triCk
Another phenomenon well known with this classic type of design is the ability to
apply both boost and cut to a specific frequency at the same time. The resulting
effect is hardly the type of simple cancellation one might expect. The cue shape
of the boost and cut functions vary slightly, as do their gain potential; so even
matching boost and cut levels by ear can produce a result quite different from
when boost and cut are returned to zero. Some have described this effect as
a gentle scooping of the area around the target frequency, with an emphasis
added closer to the center frequency itself. others describe it as a phase shift
type of effect for the target frequency. The result, by any name, is hardly subtle;
and can be used to create emphasis or texture to a specified frequency.
using tHe eqP-wa in BYPass mode
When in bypass mode, the audio signal is still routed through the Cinemag
input transformer, dual vacuum tube stage line amplifier, and Cinemag output
transformer; and the eqp-WA will output at approximately unity gain relative
to the input level (or within close margin, due to small variations in output
gain from individual vacuum tubes). This design allows the user to take
advantage of an old ‘engineering trick’ known to many successful producers
and recordists, whereby one uses a piece of gear with large transformers and
high voltage tube stages as a ‘pass-through’ device or ‘tube buffer’ following
a mic preamp, console send, or other piece of hardware, adding subtle sheen,
richness, thickness, and harmonic content to an audio signal. This technique
can also be used on program material (complete mixes or subgroups).
Now Let’s get started
techNicaL specs
a Bit of history
waxiNg phiLosophicaL
hookup diagrams
recaLL sheets