chapTer 1:
noW LeT’S GeT STarTed!
Hardware Controls — Front Panel
bypass Switch: located on the bottom left hand side of the faceplate is the
bypass toggle switch. This switch engages or disengages the equalizer sec-
tion of the eqp-WA. by design, it is not a true bypass; but merely takes the eq
circuitry out of the audio path. more on this is discussed later in the manual.
power Switch and indicator bulb: located on the bottom right hand side
of the faceplate is the mains power toggle switch. This turns the unit
on, and power will be indicated by the adjacent power indicator bulb.
low FrequenCY Control
boost and Cut - low frequency’ selector: this rotary switch selects a fre-
quency in the low to lower midrange bands for boost, cut, or even simulta-
neous boost and cut to create a desired texture effect to the selected band.
‘boost’ (low frequency): this controls the amount of gain
applied to the band selected by the low frequency selector
with a range from zero (unity gain) to +12db.
‘Cut’ (low frequency): this controls the amount of attenuation
applied to the band selected by the low frequency selector,
with a range from zero (unity gain) to -18db.
The Low Frequency Control Section.