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WAREMA Quatronic dialog
Operating instructions
6 Safety functions
Do not make changes to the safety settings that may result in damage to
your sun shading products.
The safety functions of the Quatronic dialog protect the controlled sun shad-
ing products against damage due to the weather conditions. All parameters
were set correctly during commissioning.
6.1 Wind monitor
Strong winds can cause severe damage the sun shading products. There-
fore, the Quatronic dialog contains a permanent wind monitor as a safety
function that protects your awnings and external venetian blinds against
storm damage.
In a windstorm, the sun shading products are automatically raised, and can
be lowered neither by hand not by the comfort functions (sun control, time
switch, ...). Whether or not there is a windstorm is decided by the Quatronic
dialogue on the basis of limit values (settings).
The Quatronic dialog immediately shows you when the wind UP command is
Cause: Wind Wind Wind Wind
When the storm dies down, the following display appears:
Position: Upper Upper Upper Upper
Cause: Wind Wind Wind Wind
The comfort functions (sun control, time switch,...) and manual operation be-
come available again.
To prevent every gust of wind from immediately triggering a "wind alarm" or
a brief pause in a windstorm from disabling the "wind alarm", the Quatronic
dialog works with on and off delay periods.
Safety functions
Wind monitor