We reserve the right to make technical modifications
General information
Fig. 1
The WAREMA BACnet 4M230.8I AP sun shading actuator
with 8 digital inputs and 4 relay outputs is a device for the
operation of four sun shading drives
230 V AC (the fol-
lowing uses the sun shading actuator for four motors with
eight push button inputs as an example).
A BACnet client can be used to switch and query the
inputs and outputs via standard objects. The digital inputs
are suitable for floating external push buttons. Under the
cover, the device has a manual control level for the outputs
Fig. 5) and two encoding switches for setting the actuator
address and the baud rate.
The drives and the motor control unit are supplied via a
230 V AC control line.
Intended use
The BACnet 4M230.8I AP is an electronic device for con-
trolling sun shading devices. The approval of the manufac-
turer must be obtained for any use of the device other than
its intended purpose specified in these instructions.
Safety instructions
The electrical installation (assembly)/dis-
mantling must be performed by a certified
electrician in accordance with VDE 0100
and/or with the standards and legal require-
ments pertaining to the respective country.
The electrician must observe the installa-
tion notes and instructions included with
the electrical devices supplied.
If it a hazard-free operation cannot be
assumed, the device must not be started
or must be deactivated. This assumption is
justified if:
the housing or the connecting lines show
signs of damage,
the device is no longer working.
It is important to comply with the following
points in the interest of personal safety.
Children may not play with the operating elements of
the control unit or the remote control. Store remote
controls out of reach of children.
Make sure that no persons or objects are in the path of
the driven parts (internal and external venetian blinds,
Disconnect the device from the operating voltage if
cleaning or other maintenance work must be per-
A functional description of the
WAREMA BACnet 4M230.8I AP can be found in the
manual (art. no. 2051515).
PICS (Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement)
and BIBBs (BACnet Interoperability Building Blocks) can be
found in the software manual (art. no. 2053952).
Documents pertaining to the sun shading actuator can be
downloaded from
Insert a slotted screwdriver (recommendation: 3.0 - 4.0 mm
blade) into the respective cover opening (Fig. 4) and care-
fully pry open the hinged cover. Repeat the procedure for
the second opening of the cover. After both latches have
been unlatched,
the cover can be removed.
Electrical connection
An on-site overload current protection device (fuse) and a
disconnecting and isolating switch to switch off the entire
unit must be provided.
The unit is electrically connected according to the wiring
diagram on the other side of the page (Fig. 5).
Installation instructions
4M230.8I AP
Valid from
1st July 2022
Keep for future use.