To be able to perform proper repair and servicing of the valve, a volume directly above the head of the valve equal to the
height of the valve body must be held free of other piping and components and so that it can be removed.
DN 110-DN 315/NPS 4-NPS 12
: Valves of these sizes are self-supporting and can be hung by their piping without further
support. If a valve is fitted with any type of actuator the valve must be supported as described for larger sizes.
DN 355/NPS 14 and up
: Valves of these sizes are not self-supporting and must be supported from beneath. The flat
contact patch on the bottom of the valve is made to be the main support point for the valve.
The pipes connected to the device must be completely self-supported even when filled with water, and can´t transfer
loads into the valve.
The design of the piping system also must take heat expansion into account to make sure that expansion of the
connected pipe does not exert forces on the valve.