TOR.VM.--.M.A.0518.EN Issue: A
1.1 Scope of the Manual
This Manual has been prepared by the Manufacturer to provide the operating technical information for instal-
lation, operation and maintenance of the valve concerned.
The Manual, which is an integral part of the valve concerned, must be preserved throughout the life of the valve
in a known easily accessible place, available for consultation whenever required.
If the Manual is lost, damaged or becomes illegible, contact the Manufacturer for a copy specifying the serial
number of the valve.
If the valve concerned changes ownership, the Manual has to be handed over to the new owner as part of the
valve supply.
The Manual is meant for specialist technical personnel appointed and authorized by the Manufacturer, owner
and installer to act on the valve concerned for which specific technical skills in the sector concerned are neces
sary (electrical, mechanical, etc.).
The illustrations may differ from the actual structure of the valve concerned but do not interfere with the expla
nation of the operations.
In case of doubt, contact the Manufacturer for explanations.
The Manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the Manual without the obligation to provide prior
notification, except in case of modifications concerning the safety level.
The technical information included in this Instruction Manual is the property of the Manufacturer and therefore
has to be considered as confidential.
It is forbidden to use the Manual for purposes other than those strictly linked to the operation and maintenance
of the valve concerned.
This information is provided by the Manufacturer in the original language (English) and can be translated into
other languages to satisfy legislative and/or commercial requirements.