Watlow Series 935B User’s Manual
Table 5 - PID Menu Overview
Set-Up Heat
Proportional Band Heat -
Select a heat proportional band value.
0°F to 999°F, or
0°C to 555°C, or
0.0°F to 999.0°F, or
0.0°C to 555.0°C
Hysteresis Heat -
Select a heat ON/off control switching hysteresis.
1°F to 999°F, or
1°C to 555°C, or
0.1°F to 999.0°F, or
0.1°C to 555.0°C
Cycle Time Heat -
Select a heat output cycle time.
0.1 to 60.0 seconds
5.0 to 60.0 seconds
(SSR or Switched dc)
(Electromechanical Relay)
Dead Band -
Select a dead band value.
0°F to 999°F, or
0°C to 555°C, or
0.0°F to 999.0°F, or
0.0°C to 555.0°C
Set-Up Cool
Proportional Band Cool -
Select a cool proportional band value.
0°F to 999°F, or
0°C to 555°C, or
0.0°F to 999.0°F, or
0.0°C to 555.0°C
Hysteresis Cool -
Select a cool ON/off control switching hysteresis.
1°F to 999°F, or
1°C to 555°C, or
0.1°F to 999.0°, or
0.1°C to 555.0°C
Cycle Time Cool -
Select a cool output cycle time.
0.1 to 60.0 seconds
5.0 to 60.0 seconds
(SSR or Switched dc)
(Electromechanical Relay)
Learn the PID Menu - Details