Assembly Instructions
3. Align and connect the splined PTO shaft and
socket halves, as shown in
PTO Shaft Connec-
photo. The PTO shaft has a pilot end to
ease alignment of shaft; fit shaft end into socket
and rotate shaft until the splines line up as indi
cated by arrows, then push the deck and slide
Arrows on Shaft and Tube
(Used to Align When Sliding Together)
Grease Deck
Support Arm
Grease Deck
Support Arm
PTO Shaft Connection
4. Slide the deck the rest of the way on the deck
arms. If the deck is collection style (GHS
equipped model), the discharge chute will need
to be
and connected to the blower inlet
during the last 2 in. (51 cm) of slide action on
the support arms.
Raising the mower body may be helpful
in fitting and guiding the deck chute into the
5. Install the hitch pin through the hole on the end
of each support arm to lock the deck in place
(refer to
Deck Counterweight Spring Installa-
photo). Two (2) hitch pins are included in
the Owner’s Packet of materials.
6. Raise mower body, then lift the front of deck,
and clip the counterweight springs to the recep
tacle on front of body. Lower the body to ten
sion the springs. (Refer to
Deck Counter-
weight Spring Installation
Hitch Pins
Lock Deck on
Support Arms
Springs Clip
Onto Body
With Forward
Body Tilted Up
Spring Tension Adjustment Nut
Located Under Lower
Spring Hook (Not Visible)
Deck Counterweight Spring Installation
7. With the counterweight springs connected, the
weight on the deck caster wheels should be
15 to 25 Ib (6.8 to 11.3 kg); this adjustment is
preset at the factory. If required, the spring ten
sion can be adjusted by tightening or loosening
the elastic stop nuts located underneath the
lower spring hook, or contact your local dealer
if additional help is required. Refer to
Counterweight Spring Installation