Assembly and Installation
Assembly and Installation
1. Lay the dozer blade on a flat surface and re-
move the pivot shaft from the back of the blade
using a hammer and a punch.
Remove Pivot Shaft
2. Align the pivot shaft sockets on the blade
mount and dozer blade. Feed the pivot shaft
through the sockets from left to right. Use a
hammer to tap the pivot shaft in place, making
sure to align the roll pin holes on the LH side.
The pivot shaft should fit very snug in the sock-
Feed Pivot Shaft Through Sockets
3. After ensuring proper alignment of the roll pin
holes, use a hammer and a punch to tap the
roll pin into place.
If needed, tap the pivot shaft back
through the left pivot shaft socket approximate-
ly one inch and, using pliers, rotate the pivot
shaft to more closely align the roll pin holes.
Tap the pivot shaft back into place and insert a
tapered punch into the roll pin holes to maneu-
ver the pivot shaft into alignment.
Insert Roll Pin
4. Loop the extension spring through the spring
mount tab in the center of the blade mount.
5. Loop the eye bolt over the other end of the
extension spring and pull up on the extension
spring so that the threads of the eye bolt pro-
trude through the eye bolt bracket.
Install Extension Spring
6. Place the washer (P/N F481) over the eye bolt
and begin threading the ESNA nut (P/N F020)
onto the eye bolt. Tighten until the spring is
under tension using 1/2” wrench.
: Eye bolt threads need to protrude
through the ESNA nut by
at least 1/2 in. (1.3
for additional notes on the exten-
sion spring.