Product manual | Version: 1.0.0
Power Supply Pro 2
Changes that have been made but not yet saved are marked with the pencil symbol.
Table 50: Dialog: Settings – Buttons
Imports previously saved settings, e.g., when a product is replaced or config-
uration is performed offline.
Saves the new settings externally. The saved settings can be imported into a
product that is configured offline, a replacement product or a product used in
a similar way, for example.
[Factory Settings]
Resets all settings to the factory defaults.
[Read from device]
Reads all saved settings from the connected product.
[Save to device]
Writes all the settings that have been made to the connected product.
Closes the dialog. Any settings that have not been saved are lost.
The individual sections of the dialog are described below.
DC Output
Figure 26: Dialog: Settings – DC Output