Ernst Wagner GmbH & Co. KG
Ernst-Abbe-Straße 21 · D - 72770 Reutlingen Tel. +49 7121 515
39-0 · Fax: -20
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PAGE: 7/30
SERIES WP1300 / WP1400
DATE OF ISSUE: 2021/01
3. Product description
The sensor paper roll dispenser is suitable for commercial and public use.
It is a dispenser that delivers paper towels having a defined length from a paper roll.
The sensor paper roll dispenser reduces operating costs compared to those for a single sheet dispenser, since
only one towel having an adjustable length is delivered.
The towel feed is adjustable from 20 cm to 120 cm.
The operation inhibit time is adjustable from 1 s to 6 s.
A new towel cannot be requested during this inhibit time.
The sensor for requesting a paper towel is a non-contact type and adjusts automatically to its environment.
The product is designed for paper rolls having an outside diameter of max.180 mm, with a length of 210 mm
and an inside diameter of 50 mm.
To simplify service, the dispenser has a “remaining roll” function, i.e. if the current paper roll has a diameter of
only approx. 100 mm, it can be lowered, allowing a new roll to be loaded. After the remaining roll has been
consumed, the new roll loads automatically.
The sensor paper roll dispenser is available in two versions: mains-powered (230 V) or battery-powered (6 V)
The door is screwed to the housing using 2 sturdy stainless steel hinges. The door is secured by a lock.
Furthermore, the sensor paper roll dispensers in the Series WP1400 have a storage compartment for spare
paper towel rolls.