1) Interlock Input Signal
a) Interlock ON
When the interlock contact connected to D-SUB 14 & 15 are closed, it is ready to
irradiate soft X-ray. The Interlock on the front panel of the controller will be lighted.
b) Interlock off
When the interlock contact connected to D-SUB 14 & 15 are opened, Run/Stop
switch and the remote do not work. The interlock on the front panel of the
controller will be turned off.
If humans are exposed directly to soft X-ray, it could cause damages. Therefore, the
interlock must be connected. If the enclosure door is opened during the irradiation of soft X-ray, the
interlock terminal will open, and the irradiation of soft X-ray will automatically stop. If the enclosure
door is closed, the interlock will close, and the device will be in the ready status.
- Safety Features
If the interlock door becomes “open” status during the irradiation of soft X-ray (“Run/Stop” button is lit
on the front panel of the controller), the irradiation will stop.
“Interlock” lamp and “Run/Stop” switch are turned off on the front panel of the controller.
If the interlock is closed (safe status), the device will return to the safe mode and can start irradiation
of soft X-ray by inputting the Remote On signal into the controller.