Motion Alarm
Use the Motion Alarm menu under the Alarm tab to set what actions are taken when a
motion detection alarm is generated. You can set up the alarm through a message, a beep, a
video popup, a voice call, or E-mail.
Video lost
Use the Video Lost menu under the Alarm tab to set what actions are taken when video
signal from a camera is not available. You can set up the alarm through a message, a beep, a
voice call, or E-mail.
Use the keyboard or mouse (recommended) to select the required camera for video lost from
the Camera drop-down box and complete all fields as described in GPI alarm. Click OK to
save changes.
Disk space low
Use the Disk Space Low menu under the Alarm tab to set what actions are taken when the
disk space is insufficient to record data. This alarm is generated only when the DVR mode