Press the trailing arms up so that the distance between points
(1) and (2) is 397 ± 1 mm (15 5/8” ± 3/64”). Use the tools in point
Tighten the screw in the inner mounting for the trailing arm.
Tighten to 80 Nm (60 lbf ft.). See point
Remove the tensioner and the associated components.
Lower the car slightly. Install both rear wheels. Tighten the wheel
nuts crosswise
Torque tighten the three new screws (1) in the upper shock
absorber bearing. Tighten to 25 Nm (18.5 lbf ft.)
Install the new washer (2) and the nut (2) on the shock absorber.
Tighten to 80 Nm (60 lbf. ft.). Use the special tool (P/N 999
5500) and a Torx 40 3/8” square ratchet.
Reinstall the foam rubber seals over the rear shock absorber
Reinstall the front insulation panel and the floor hatch.
Sports chassis kit, front
Carry out points - on both sides.
Installation instructions, accessories
Volvo Car Corporation Gothenburg, Sweden
© Volvo Car Corporation
Lowered sports chassis- 8670993 - V1.0
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