Volvo 1990 740 Model
700 Series Addendum
700 Series
1990 Owner's Manuals
U.S.A. & Canada
pg. I Addendum
The information below contains changes to the 700 series 1990 Owner's Manuals; TP3056/1 08.89,
TP3057/1 08.89, TP3058/1 08.89
Corrections are listed in a three column format for easier use. The first column indicates topic, model
and page number reference. The second column is the present information. The third column indicates
the corrected information.
Topic/Model Pg. No.
Present Information
Servicing (Brakes), 740 pg 97,
760 pg 103, 780 pg 91
Inspect Brakes. Replace
components as necessary. (The
present chart indicates this
inspection must take place at the
first 10,000 miles then every
10,000 miles thereafter .)
The corrected mileage
interval inspection must take
place the first 10,000 miles
then every 5,000 miles
file:///K|/ownersdocs/1990/1990_740/90740_app.htm (1 of 4)12/30/2006 8:26:10 AM