When the pruning shear is turned on, the non-progressive cutting control is predetermined,
that is, when the trigger is actuated the blade performs the cutting action, and when the
trigger is released the blade opens.
To change the control mode, you must hold the trigger for 2 seconds until you hear an
audible warning (a beep), which indicates that you have changed from normal cut control
mode to progressive cut control mode.
In the progressive cutting control the blade moves according to the depth of the trigger drive, that is,
if the trigger is activated halfway, the blade moves progressively halfway through its opening.
Opening change (only in progressive mode)
The PV400 shears incorporates a system of change of opening with memory. It means that
we can adjust the opening of the head in function of the diameter of cut wished.
In the progressive cutting control mode, the cutting diameter can be adjusted and a smaller
cutting diameter can be set, for which the position of the blade at the desired cutting
diameter must be maintained for 1 second and an audible warning will sound (a beep)
indicating that the selected cut-off opening diameter has been memorized.
To return to maximum opening, we keep the trigger pressed until two audible beeps are
heard (two beeps), which indicates that the opening memory has been removed.
Maintenance & Cleaning
Tools to be repaired must be sent to Customer Assistance Service. Use original part keeps the
tool good condition and safe.
Switch off the battery power and disconnect the toolbefore to check, maintain and repair the
pruning shear, to avoid risk of unexpected actuating of the tool.
In particular situations of very hard use, the blade and the handle could reach high temperatures. It is
recommended to handle the pruner with care, using protective gloves.
Please wear glove before you check the blade sharp or not, that’s avoid blade hurt you. Check
the pruning shear frequently, this will keep tool safe and reliable.
Check the pruning shear frequently, this will keep tool safe and reliable.
Don’t flush the tools or put it in water, it will cause short circuit or damagethe device.