H. Vollmer GmbH
Installation instructions Art. No: 38037
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Status 05.11.2015
From inside to outside, dimming
with colour change
From outside to inside, brightening
(in selected colour or selected RGB
From inside to outside, dimming (in
selected colour or selected RGB
“Fade effect”: alternate colour
sequence of various colours
“Light up”; successively jumping light
sequences along the complete length of
the strip. Direction and mode freely
Alternating brightening and
dimming (in selected colour or
selected RGB mode)
“Waterfall effect”; colours or light waves
(depending on the mode) closely following
each other, direction selectable
Unsequenced changes of colour
along the complete length of the
Piece by piece, unsequenced brightening
or colour change (depending on the
selection), direction selectable
Bi-directionally running short-
section illumination of the strip (in
selected colour or selected RGB
Adjustment of the direction in which the
meteor effect should proceed
10. Care
Adjustment of speed or
brightness levels
IC set / LED selection
Individual colour selection
Selection of RGB mode
Cold white / warm
On / off
Battery compartment
H. Vollmer GmbH
Allmendring 29
D-75203 Königsbach-Stein