Heater and air conditioner
The Climatic system
In the Climatic system, the vehicle's entire interior is
comprised to form a single climatic zone.
The desired temperature is set at the left
rotary switch.
The rotary switch is linked to a potentiometer,
which passes the temperature commend on to the
Climatic control unit. The control unit then forwards a
calculated flap position value to the temperature flap
positioning motor.
Climatic is able to control the pre-set temperature by
monitoring the vent and interior temperature.
The air distribution flaps are actuated via a
flexible shaft in the Climatic system.
The air conditioner is switched on and off via the
ECON button. In ECON mode, the additional heater
is also switched off in vehicles fitted with diesel
engines. The Climatic air conditioner unit is equipped
with a combined fresh air/recirculated air flap.
Further information can be found in self-study programme No. 318 "The Golf 2004".