DSP Effects
1. Echo Delay Control -
This dial controls the amount of time between the echo repititions. Turn this dial clockwise to
increase the delay, and counter-clockwise to decrease.
2. Echo Repeat Control -
This dial controls the amount of repititions in the echo. Turn this dial clockwise to increase
the amount of echos, and counter-clockwise to decrease.
3. Echo Volume Control -
This dial controls the volume of the echo effect. Turn this dial clockwise to increase the
volume of the echos, and counter-clockwise to decrease.
4. Hiss Filter -
This dial controls the amount of hiss filter that is applied to the mic/line channels.
5. Reverb Volume Control -
This dial controls the volume of the reverb effect. Turn this dial clockwise to increase the
volume of the reverb effect, and counter-clockwise to decrease.
Descriptions and Functions cont.
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