d. Halt scanning on channel 0 and monitor channel 0 data.
e. Adjust unipolar offset potentiometer R60 until channel 0 data fluctuates
between $000 and $001.
f. Connect precision voltage source to channel 0 input.
g. Adjust precision voltage source to +9.996338 VDC.
h. Adjust gain potentiometer R65 until channel 0 data fluctuates
between $FFE and $FFF.
i. Change mode and gain jumpers as necessary for your final
5 V Offset and Gain Calibration
Run this calibration procedure only if the board is to remain in the bipolar configuration with
5 V range.
a. Configure the board for single-ended bipolar
5 V range, unity gain:
Install jumpers E14, E15, E19 pins 1 & 2, E20 pins 1 & 2
Remove jumpers E18, E17, E16
b. Connect precision voltage source to channel 0 input.
c. Adjust precision voltage source to -4.998779 VDC.
d. Halt scanning on channel 0 and monitor channel 0 data.
e. Adjust bipolar offset potentiometer R64 until channel 0 data fluctuates
between $000 and $001.
f. Adjust precision voltage source to +4.996338 VDC.
g. Adjust gain potentiometer R65 until channel 0 data fluctuates
between $FFE and $FFF.
h. Change mode and gain jumpers as necessary for your final
10 V Offset and Gain Calibration
Run this calibration procedure only if the board is to remain in the bipolar configuration with
10 V range.
a. Configure the board for single-ended bipolar
10 V range, unity gain:
Install jumpers E14, E15, E19 pins 1 and 2, E20 pins 2 and 3
Remove jumpers E18, E17, E16
b. Connect precision voltage source to channel 0 input.
c. Adjust precision voltage source to -9.997559 VDC.
d. Halt scanning on channel 0 and monitor channel 0 data.
e. Adjust bipolar offset potentiometer R64 until channel 0 data fluctuates
between $000 and $001.
f. Adjust precision voltage source to +9.992676 VDC.
g. Adjust gain potentiometer R65 until channel 0 data fluctuates
between $FFE and $FFF.