User's Manual - 87
: Select to send the media files to an HTTP server when a trigger is activated.
■ URL: Enter the URL of the HTTP server.
■ User name: Enter the user name if necessary.
■ Password: Enter the password if necessary.
To verify if the HTTP settings are correctly configured, click
. The result will be shown in a pop-up
window as below. If successful, you will receive a test.txt file on the HTTP server.
to enable the settings, then click
to exit the page.
When completed, the new server settings will automatically be displayed on the Event Settings page.
For example:
By default, the folder is named after the date and hour; " %Y%M%D%H" refers to Year/
Month/Date/Hour. Your saved media files will be automatically classified in folders named
after the date and hour, if you keep the default setting. You may also create the customized
folder by any other desired name, but all media files will be saved in the same folder.
By default, the folder is named
after the date and hour. For more
information about file destination,
please refer to page 90.