User's Manual - 67
Percentage is a value that expresses the proportion of “alerted pixels” to all pixels in the motion
detection window. In this case, 50% of pixels are identified as “alerted pixels”. When the percentage is
set to 30%, the motions are judged to exceed the defined threshold; therefore, the motion window will
be outlined in red.
For applications that require a high level of security management, it is suggested to use higher
sensitivity settings and smaller percentage values.
Camera tampering detection
This section explains how to set up camera tempering detection. With tampering detection, the
camera is capable of detecting incidents such as
blocking or defocusing
, or even
spray paint
Please follow the steps below to set up the camera tampering detection function:
1. Check
Enable camera tampering detection
2. Enter the trigger duration. (10 sec. ~ 10 min.) The alarm will be triggered only when the tampering
factor (the difference between current frame and pre-saved background) exceeds the trigger threshold.
3. Set up the event source as Camera tampering detection on
Event settings > Trigger
Please refer to page 79 for detailed information.
4. Click on
to take effect.