suction mounts on the windshields while operating motor vehicles. Other state laws
allow the suction mount to be located only in specifi c locations on the windshield.
Many other states have enacted restrictions against placing objects on the windshield
in locations that obstruct the driver’s vision.
It is the user’s responsibility to mount
the Superchips VIVID device in compliance with all applicable Laws and
Always mount your Superchips VIVID device in a location that does not
obstruct the driver’s view of the road. Superchips does not assume any responsibility
for any fi nes, penalties, or damages that may be incurred as a result of any state or local
law or ordinance related to the use of your VIVID device.
The VIVID LINQ has a 16 pin OBD-II connector attached that plugs into your
vehicle’s OBD-II port located under the driver’s side dashboard.
The purpose of this connector is to provide a communication link between your vehicle
and your device as well as provide a power and ground source.
OBD-II port located under the driver’s side dashboard
(Locations may vary by make/model)