© 2017 Vital Systems, Inc.
The system hangs up during the “TorchON”
(or M3) sequence
The [ArcOK] signal is not being detected
after Torch Ignition.
Check that the [THC On] input signal is enabled and
mapped to the correct digital input on the HiCON Integra.
Also, check that the ArcOK signal LED on the ArcPro
screen changes state when toggling the digital input.
The Torch does not move toward the designated probe limit position
The displayed coordinates have a “Work
Offset” applied.
Refrain from using the “Zero X”, Y or Z buttons and
instead use the appropriate homing routine to go back to
machine zero, or manually jog or issue a GCode move
through MDI.
Make sure that the display is showing the machine
coordinates in order to verify if a work offset is being
used. If a work offset is applied, the offset values may be
set to zero from the “View->Fixture Offsets” window.
Mach4 is not configured with the correct
unit of measurement.
Go to the Mach4 config screen and set it to use the
appropriate unit of measurement (inches or metric). Also,
check if G20 or G21 is being called from the GCode file.
The Torch completes the Torch ON setup sequence, but does not move up or down
The THC max or THC min parameters
values are too small.
The THC max and THC min control the maximum and
minimum up/down correction distance from the pierce
height that the torch will be allowed to move while
cutting. Set these two parameters to larger values to
allow a greater window for height correction.
The THC Speed is set to a very small value
This parameter controls the speed at which the torch will
move up or down. Set the THC speed to a greater value.
(NOTE: speeds that are too high may stall stepper