© 2017 Vital Systems, Inc.
THC Settings
These settings affect how the Torch Height adjustments are made.
Please use the
Plasma Cut Sequence
for reference.
Probe Limit
This value is the target absolute position that the Z-Axis will move to in
order to detect the material’s surface. If the [DIGITIZE] signal is found,
then the plasma cut sequence moves onto the next step. If the Z-Axis
reaches this position, then the Plasma cut sequence fails and the
system disarms.
Probe Speed
This value indicates at what percent of the max velocity the will Z move down to locate the material
surface height.
The maximum correction distance above the pierce height reference position.
The maximum correction distance below the pierce height reference position.
Ignition Height
The Ignition Height is used on thick material where the pierce height is higher than the plasma head can
easily establish an arc. On thinner material the Ignition Height can be set to zero and the system will skip
the feature. This value is relative to the detected material surface height.
Pierce Height
The Pierce Height defines, in inches or millimeters, the height above the material that the cutter head will
sit while conducting a pierce action. A good value for pierce height can be found by looking in the
consumables chart for the system’s plasma cutter. This value is relative to the detected material surface
Pierce Delay
The time, in milliseconds, that the cutter head will pause while piercing. This gives time for the hole to go
all the way through the material.
NOTE: This value is also the Z-minimum soft limit. Changing the value from the ArcPro Screen will also
change the value in the Mach4 config.