© 2017 Vital Systems, Inc.
THC Delay
This value allows the cutting head to get away from the molten metal surrounding the initial pierce hole.
This is used primarily for thick material or small holes.
Anti-Dive prevents the THC from dropping the torch into a cut hole, diving into corners, or diving at the
end of a cut. When the XY cutting speed slows down, the plasma tip voltage increases, and as a result,
the response from the THC is to lower the torch. When the actual cutting feedrate drops below the
specified percentage of the commanded feedrate, Anti-Dive is engaged and the Z-Axis motion is disabled
and stays locked in positon.
THC Control
This interface serves as the operator control for initiating THC Mode and for turning on the torch.
THC Mode
The Torch Height Control (THC) reads the tip voltage while cutting and automatically adjusts the cutting
head up and down to maintain a constant height above the material. If THC is off the cutting head will
stay at the pierce height while running.
Probe Once
This setting allows the THC to perform the surface height probe step only when the Torch is first turned
on. Subsequent TorchON/M3 commands will then move to the previously referenced surface height, then
turn on the Torch at the Ignition Height. The probe move can be re-enabled by clearing the THC Reference
with M3000 (or by clicking the “Set/Clear Ref” button). When this happens, the probe setup will be
performed on the next TorchON/M3 command.
NOTE: This setting is recommended for cutting flat-surface materials where probing the material
height multiple times is unnecessary.