It is also possible to fill in a unicast address like; in this case
the Art-Net data will be send to one IP address only. This keeps the rest of the
network clean of any Art-Net network messages.
Date & Time
The date and time of the RTC can be set here. The clock has a back-up bat-
tery to keep the time during a power down. Daylight Saving Time (DST) is
supported for the regions Europe and United States.
Figure 10.6: Date & Time Settings
The astronomical clock in the CueCore1 calculates the sunrise and sunset times
based on day of the year, latitude, longitude and UTC. The latitude and lon-
gitude values define the position in the world and should be entered in de-
grees. The latitude value should be positive for North and negative for South,
the longitude should positive for East and negative for West.
The website
can help discover the latitude
and longitude values for the current location. The time-zone and perhaps day-
light saving time of the current location is expressed in the UTC value. UTC
is - in this context - equivalent to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). For example,
Visual Productions’ HQ is based in the city of Haarlem, the Netherlands. Dur-
ing the winter the UTC 1 and in the summer during day light saving
time it is set to +2. So, the settings for the Visual Productions HQ are shown
in Figure 10.7.
The Offset fields allows to shift the sunrise and sunset triggers, both earlier and
later. For example, to have a trigger half an hour before sunrise set the offset
to -00:30.