Figure 10.2: General Settings
larger, recordings then you can lower this number; making each memory bigger.
All the recorder’s memories need to be erased after changing this setting.
Output Routing
There are three sources that can set DMX/Art-Net data:
Lighting Console
Show Control
Figure 10.3: Output Routing Settings
The routing settings enables you to determine on which ports the Lighting
Console, Recorder and Show Control output their data; i.e. the DMX ports,
the Art-Net (Ethernet) port or both.
If more than one source is enabled per DMX or Art-net then the data of those
sources is merged together via the Highest Takes Precedence (HTP) principle.
When your project only uses one universe (
512 channels) then it is worth-
while to enable the ’Duplicate A on B’ checkbox. When enabled, both DMX